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The right succession planning for your clients

Acuity | Oct 20, 2021

There are 2.3 million small businesses in Australia, which in 2018-19 contributed almost A$418 billion – more than 32% – of Australia’s economic activity, according to government figures. Indeed, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) make up about 98% of all the businesses in Australia.

For small business owners, it’s a way of life. But one thing they often forget is the planning needed to retire or exit a business when their working life is over. It’s something SME owners should be thinking about much earlier on, and a facet where their accountant can help, says Craig West, founder and chief executive of succession planning specialist firm Succession Plus.

Dynamic Business logo banner

ESS legislations change good news for Australian startups

Dynamic Business | Oct 19, 2021

Changes to employee shares scheme (ESS) legislation may bring benefits for Australia’s startup sector.

As a part of their 2021-2022 budget, the Federal Government has committed to implementing changes in the employee shares scheme (ESS) legislation. The changes would take the form of tax and regulatory reform, effectively removing the red tape in implementing ESS programs or plans.

Step Australia Logo

Succession Plus CEO & Founder, Craig West, joins STEP Australia

STEP Australia | Oct 13, 2021

Why did you become a member?

All the work I do is related to privately-owned businesses and succession and exit planning - this closely aligns with STEP's focus on advising families across generations. Our business is also international and very collaborative, and, again, this aligns well.


The CEO Institute

7 Key Success Factors for Successful Succession

The CEO Institute | Oct 12, 2021

Begin with the end in mind - good strategy takes time.

Business owners that begin early get a better result - every time. A typical business succession and exit will take at least 18 months and normally 3-5 years to get the best results. Succession planning is about getting three things right at the same time - the business needs to be ready for succession or exit, the finances - both the business and the owners/families need to be set up for retirement or for the next stage, and finally the owners (both exiting and entering) need to be ready - retirement is a big change.

smsf adviser

Advisers face ‘notoriously difficult’ challenges in private business valuations

SMSF Adviser | Oct 7, 2021

New analysis has found that the riskiest component for advisers when putting together a client portfolio or retirement plan is valuing a client’s privately owned business, according to a succession planning firm.

Recent research conducted by Australian business succession and exit planning firm Succession Plus revealed a continuing pattern in that it is “notoriously difficult” for privately owned businesses to be valued, as most financial advisers are not qualified or licensed to do so “through no fault of their own”.

Succession Plus Independent Financial Advisers

Valuing a privately owned business ‘notoriously difficult’ for advisers

Independent Financial Adviser | Oct 6, 2021

New research has found that the riskiest component for advisers when putting together a client portfolio or retirement plan is valuing a client’s privately owned business.

Analysis conducted by Australian business succession and exit planning firm Succession Plus revealed a pattern in that it is “notoriously difficult” for privately owned businesses to be valued, as most financial advisers are not qualified or licensed to do so “through no fault of their own”.

In the black logo banner

Why you need a documented succession plan

In the Black | Oct 1, 2021

Handing over your small business to a successor takes considerable time and effort. Here's why you need a succession plan to help you do it.

Small and family businesses have been the backbone of the global economy for decades. In Australia, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up about 70 per cent of all businesses – about half a million – and employ about 50 per cent of the workforce.

Inside Small Business

New ESOP recommendations remove barriers for small business

Inside Small Business | Sep 27, 2021

In August, the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue tabled its Owning a Share of Your Work: Tax Treatment of Employee Share Schemes report, recommending changes that have key implications for the small businesses considering an Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP).

An ESOP is a mechanism to allow employees to own a share of the company they work for. They can be suitable for both private and public companies, large and small.

Smart Company Logo

SME valuations hit record high of $1.4 trillion in June with more businesses looking to sell

SmartCompany | Sep 16, 2021

Small and medium business valuations hit a record high of $1.4 trillion in June before the latest wave of COVID-19 lockdowns hit businesses across Australia, fresh data from Australia’s biggest succession planning advisory firm shows.

New research by Succession Plus found the total value of Australian SMEs was $1.437 trillion at the end of June, or an average of $605,079 per business. And while owners sat on record values for their businesses, many were looking to sell, with listings up 5.86% since the previous quarter.

adviser innovation

Australian digital platform launches in North America

Adviser Innovation | Sep 16, 2021

A local digital platform has expanded to North America.

On Thursday, Australasian business succession and exit planning advisory firm, Succession Plus, confirmed the news and said that the Capitaliz platform will help North American advisers “unlock untapped value for small to medium-sized businesses”.

Capitaliz enables automatic businesses automation, benchmarking and value enhancement guidance for advisers to deliver successful exits for their clients.

Investor Daily logo

Australian digital platform launches in North America

Investor Daily | Sep 16, 2021

A local digital platform has expanded to North America.

On Thursday, Australasian business succession and exit planning advisory firm, Succession Plus, confirmed the news and said that the Capitaliz platform will help North American advisers “unlock untapped value for small to medium-sized businesses”.
Capitaliz enables automatic businesses automation, benchmarking and value enhancement guidance for advisers to deliver successful exits for their clients.

Money Management

Estate planning not just for clients

Money Management | Sep 3, 2021

One of the few positives to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is that the feeling of uncertainty has led people to address setting up or updating their estate plan which otherwise would have fallen into the “I’ll get to it later” basket.

While financial advisers should be discussing estate plans with their clients, they should not forget about their own estate plan either especially if they own their practice.