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How sellable is your business? Find out in under 4 minutes here.

What could my business be worth?


Starts at: 09:00 a.m.

Ends at: 09:45 a.m.

Location: Online


Business Valuation is often described as more of an art than a science, but it doesn’t have to be. Doing a business valuation is essentially about answering two fundamental questions – what return can I expect from my investment, and how risky is it?

While some business owners start their ventures to earn a living or a salary, most aim to increase the value of their business over time and realise that value when they eventually exit. However, very few business owners actually know the true value of their business and, more importantly, how that value is determined. This is a crucial aspect of exit planning – understanding the key factors that determine your business’s value.

What the seminar addresses:

– Fundamental concepts and valuation methods
– Risk and potential rewards

What can you look forward to learning:

– How to perform a comprehensive analysis from a buyer’s perspective, known as reverse due diligence
– Identifying any gaps that might hinder a business owner from maximising their returns

During this webinar, we will look into the factors that shape and impact business valuation.

It’s 30 minutes plus Q&A. We hope you can join us.

Event Details

Date: November 09, 2023

Start time: 09:00 a.m. GMT

End time: 09:45 a.m. GMT

Venue: Online