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Eliminating Owner Dependence in Your SME: A Checklist to Get You Started

White Papers

Eliminating Owner Dependence in Your SME: A Checklist to Get You Started

By , May 28, 2024
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Is your business too dependent on your day-to-day involvement? Take the first step towards greater autonomy with our comprehensive checklist. Assess your business’s current state, pinpoint areas for improvement, and uncover practical strategies to reduce owner dependence.

Discover the secrets to enhancing operational efficiency, driving profitability, and maximising your business’s valuation. Our checklist offers actionable insights and step-by-step guidance to help you transition towards a more resilient and scalable business model.

Don’t let owner dependence hinder your business’s growth. Download our checklist now to seize control of your business’s future.

Darryl Bates-Brownsword

Darryl Bates-Brownsword

CEO | Succession Plus UK

Darryl is a dynamic, driven Business Mentor and Coach with over 20 years of experience and passion for creating successful outcomes for founder-led businesses. He is a great connector, team builder, problem solver, and inspirer – showing the way through complexity to simplicity.

He has built 2 international multi-million turnover businesses; one now operating in 16 countries. His quick and analytical approach cuts through to the core issues quickly and identifying the context. He challenges the status quo and gets consistent, repeatable and reliable business results.

Originating in Australia, Darryl’s first career was as an Engineer in the Power Industry. Building businesses bought him to the UK in 2003 where he quickly developed a reputation for combining systems thinking with great creativity to get results in challenging situations.

A keen competitive cyclist, he also has a B Eng (Mech) Engineering and an MBA.